An afternoon aimed entirely at those who are hopelessly fond of love stories is coming to Beverley.
‘Read Dating’ is part of the 2019 Festival of Words, and will be an afternoon of romantic fiction at the Treasure House in Beverley on Saturday, 18 May, from 12.30pm to 3.30pm.
Local authors from the Romantic Novelists Association will pitch their books to win the affections of the audience.
Librarian Tracey Booth explained : “Everybody who attends this unique afternoon event will leave with a long and romantic reading list!”
Authors featured will be :
Rhoda Baxter / Jeevani Charila : contemporary romantic comedy
Annie Wilkinson : historical saga and Mills and Boon
Sylvia Broady : historical saga
Ellie Gray : contemporary
Jenni Fletcher : historic Mills and Boon
Linda Acaster : Mills and Boon, sci fi and western.
The authors will all be at the event at the same time and each of them will be speaking for about 15 minutes about their writing. At the end of all the mini talks they will take questions and sign books.
Tickets for the event cost £5 each, and are available now from or by phoning the ticket line (Mon-Fri 9-4pm) on 01482 392699.
Follow the 2019 East Riding Festival of Words at and @erwordfest on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram