Did you know that 1 in 5 people in the UK suffers from a respiratory illness? That could be asthma, COPD or another long-term condition.
Salt therapy is a 100% natural treatment that could help improve your lung health and allow you to breathe easier, naturally.
So how does it work?
Salt therapy helps to maintain good respiratory system hygiene by clearing clogged airways and reducing inflammation.
The American Lung Association Chief Medical Officer stated that inhaled salt could thin mucus in the airways, making it easier to expel. Salt can also kill microbes in the lungs and reduce the risk of infections, due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties.
An asthma attack occurs when your airways inflame - making it difficult to carry oxygen to your lungs. This results in asthma symptoms of coughing, chest tightness, wheezing and shortness of breath. Salt is also naturally anti-inflammatory and can
help to ease these symptoms.
The owner, Clare, came across salt therapy in London 3 years ago when it was suggested she try it to help ease her breathlessness due to her asthma and the 5th chest infection of that year she was coming down with. Clare was so amazed at how much better she felt after just one session that she and her husband decided to open the only salt therapy centre in
Following a 14 week closure due to Covid-19, Salt Revive will be re-opening their doors from Saturday 4th July with lots of changes to ensure the safety of visitors, including reduced capacity, enhanced rigorous cleaning procedures and social distancing in place. With separate adult and family salt rooms, the therapy is suitable from 6 months and prices start from just £14 a session.
To find out if salt therapy could help you, call them
now for a free consultation on 01482 679453.
Salt Revive will be re-opening their doors from Saturday 4th July
Fri 3rd July 2020