Notice of election: Hull & East Yorkshire Combined Authority Mayoral election

Notice Of Election Hull East Yorkshire Combined Authority Mayoral Election

Alan Menzies, Combined Area Returning Officer, has on Monday 17th March, published the Notice of Election for the Hull and East Yorkshire Combined Authority Mayoral Election.

Residents across the East Riding and Hull will have the opportunity to vote for who they would like as the Combined Authority Mayor in the election on Thursday 1st May.

Alan Menzies, Combined Area Returning Officer and Chief Executive of East Riding of Yorkshire Council said: “The election gives residents the opportunity to have their say on who represents Hull and the East Riding as the Mayor for the next four years.

“Working alongside local leaders, the Mayor will unlock investment and opportunities for our region, maximising the benefits of devolution in the years ahead.”

Key dates for the Combined Authority Mayoral Election:

  • Deadline for candidate nominations: 4pm Wednesday 2nd April
    Anyone interested or considering standing who has not already done so, should contact the electoral services team on 01482 393300 or e-mail

  • Deadline to register to vote: midnight, Friday 11th April
    If you have moved house, changed your name or turned 18 in the last year you will need to register to vote. To register go to:   

  • Deadline for new postal applications, and changes to existing postal and proxy votes: 5pm Monday 14th April
    You can choose to vote in person at a polling station, by post, or by proxy.
    You can apply online to vote by post ( or proxy where someone else can vote on your behalf (

  • Deadline for new applications to vote by proxy (not postal proxy): 5pm Wednesday 23rd April
    If after 5pm on Wednesday 23 April you are unable to vote in person due to a medical emergency, work reasons or your form of ID has been lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, you can apply to vote by proxy. This is known as an emergency proxy and can be applied for by contacting Electoral Services.

  • Deadline to apply for free voter ID: 5pm Wednesday 23rd April
    Residents need to bring photo ID when voting – a passport, driving licence, blue badge and an older person’s bus pass are all accepted forms of photo ID.
    If you don’t have photo ID, you can apply for free voter ID:

  • First date to apply for a replacement for a lost postal vote: Friday 25th April

  • Polling Day: Thursday 1st May, polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm
    Polling stations are listed on polling cards, though voters won’t need their polling card to vote.

    If you need any help, or to find out if your polling station is accessible, contact the council on 01482 393300 or visit:  

Poll letters will be issued to all registered electors in the region in the coming weeks with details on how and where to vote.

The Combined Authority has been created after East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Hull City Council agreed a devolution deal with the Government. The Combined Authority will be led by the elected Mayor, who will serve in the role for four years.

The new Combined Authority does not replace either East Riding of Yorkshire Council or Hull City Council. Both local authorities will retain their independence and continue their work as normal.

For more information about the Combined Authority visit:

For more information about the mayoral election and to view the Notice of Election visit:

Just Beverley