The Grand Opening of the restyled learning environment for Woodmansey Primary School will take place 9am on Tuesday 6th September. Local councillors, senior officers from the council, local businesses, members of the community and parents will all be attending the grand opening.
The pupils of Woodmansey Primary School are in for a surprise when they return in September. The teachers, supported by volunteers from the school and business community, have rallied round to rework and restyle the learning environment.
Volunteering throughout the Summer holidays, they have managed to strip out display areas, clear out rooms, paint, create high impact displays and better and more creative work spaces for the children. The parent, teacher and friends association of Woodmansey School (PTFA) has been using its contacts to support the project.
Mrs Evelyn Green Headteacher said ‘We are grateful for all the support received so far from the local community. Parents, grandparents and Sargents Electrical based at Tokenspire Business Park in Woodmansey have all helped the teaching staff to make this project happen. We have to complete the work before the children return in September and volunteers are making this happen.’
Local business have also donated goods and offered discounts and parents and grandparents have pledged support through donations of both time and goods. Anyone wishing to get involved can contact