Wild Ingleborough!

Ingleborough Andrew Parkinson Wwf

A vision for a wilder future... Yorkshire Wildlife Trust are excited to announce the launch of Wild Ingleborough, a visionary landscape-scale restoration partnership with an ‘alternative future’ for Yorkshire’s uplands.

Bringing together people, nature and climate, working together with local communities and farmers to share skills and knowledge, and creating a wilder future together around Ingleborough, the second highest peak in the Dales. Yorkshire Wildlife Trust have partnered with WWF, Natural England, University of Leeds, United Bank of Carbon and Woodland Trust to create a haven for wildlife, nature and people. When fully realised, Wild Ingleborough could cover an area larger than Skipton! Find out more here.

Meet the team

Abbi and Dwayne are Project Assistants for Wild Ingleborough. In this blog, they tell us what day-to-day at Ingleborough looks and feels like... Read more here.

Just Beverley