Toys for Turkey shoebox appeal

Toys For Turkey

The East Yorkshire to East Turkey Aid appeal would like to thank you for your support.

Following the success of the recent appeal and the generosity of the people of East Yorkshire, with seven articulated lorries, two containers have already been shipped to the much needed areas of Turkey following last months tragic earthquakes, and a third container is almost ready to go.

The appeal now moves on and following information and guidance from family members of Ali Tekce the founder of the appeal,  the focus now turns to the young children that have been made orphans following the tragic events.

The appeal is now launching the 'Toys for Turkey '  shoebox appeal and would love to have your support and for you to get involved.

All parents will understand how important toys are for Children, have a look in your cupboards, have a chat with your children and see if you have anything that you could put together in a shoe box style package. This could be one toy and maybe an activity pack and crayons, perhaps some sealed sweets with a message to the child in Turkey. 

We encourage you to label the box, so it can be identified as either girl or boy and left unsealed.

Help if you can and make a difference to a child's life.  

Just Beverley