Why are Purple Bikes appearing around Beverley ?

The Mystery Behind The Purple Bikes Appearing Around Beverley

Can you work out the mystery of the purple bikes of Beverley?

It is not uncommon to see bikes chained up on cycle racks near the supermarket or the bus station or Flemingate, especially on a hot summer’s day.

To see a completely purple bike from the handlebars to the seat to the wheels, is an unusual sight!

In and around Beverley, purple bikes have been spotted. The bikes have appeared out of the blue (or should that be purple?) but no one is sure why, or by who.

All we know is that there are 6 bikes in total in the area. Have you seen them?

  • Did they come from a bike aficionado?,
  • A local business?
  • A lover of the colour purple?

Can you unravel the mystery of who has left the bikes. It’s time to get on your detective’s hat.

Who is behind this mystery can you find out the identity of who has left the purple bikes and why?

Just Beverley