The Loneliness Busters!

The Loneliness Busters 1

The Loneliness Busters, a small group of young volunteers, made an impression on the residents and staff at Figham House in Beverley

Throughout the summer these youngsters gave up their time to help make other lives better. 

They visited Figham House in Beverley, where they spent a hot afternoon and with the help of the residents made the care home garden look beautiful. 

The girls got their hands dirty, weeding and digging.

As a result, the residents have enjoyed watching the flowers open up. The garden has needed regular watering, ensuring the girls' hard work did not go to waste, which kept the staff on their toes!

During the summer The Loneliness Busters also spent an afternoon playing dominoes and Bingo. 

The residents found this afternoon great fun and enjoyed seeing some different faces and chatting to the girls. 

The young visitors played Tin Can Alley with different residents with varying abilities and to include everyone, the girls took the game around the home. The game is suitable for the resident's skills and abilities. Tin Can Alley brings out the competitive side of residents and is a joy to witness!

Figham House, Home Manager, Sarah said ‘We would like to say a massive thank you to The Loneliness Busters. 

"On their visits to Figham House, Emily, Grace and Ameerah treated the home and our residents with respect. Through even the smallest thing showed signs of kindness and actions of thoughtfulness and care."

Just Beverley