The Facts About Falls

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As we get older the facts are that we are more prone to falls. Falls can have a catastrophic effect on individuals.

After a fall, an older person has a 50% probability of having their mobility seriously impaired. Falls destroy confidence, increase isolation and reduce independence, with around 1 in 10 older people who fall becoming afraid to leave their homes in case they fall again.

Many falls happen in the home, although most people may not believe that they are at risk walking around their own premises. Rugs are frequent culprits at causing trips and falls, although persuading someone to part with or move their favourite rug can be very difficult. There are precautions which can be taken to help prevent falls.

Tips for preventing falls in the home:
• Use non-slip mats or rugs or better still, remove them completely.
• Clean up spillages immediately.
• Declutter to make moving around easier; get rid of furniture which isn’t used anymore. Call it downsizing!
• Ensure there are no trailing wires.
• Increase the level of lighting. Insufficient light and poor eye-site = increased risk of falling.
• Wear well-fitting footwear which is in good condition, especially slippers. Don’t walk around the house in socks or tights.
• Keep your feet in good condition and see a foot health practitioner regularly.
• Maintain your mobility by exercising regularly, practicing strength and balance exercises to keep you on your feet.

Otago Medical School in New Zealand has conducted extensive research into falls and how older people can maintain their balance and fitness. Researchers identified specific strength and balance exercises which help keep older people more mobile.

They developed a programme, called Otago Exercise Programme which has been shown to reduce the risk of falling by 32% and reduce the risk of a fall injury by 39% in one year, which is highly significant. This programme has been adopted world-wide with practitioners trained to teach the programme to older people.

Jennie Falconer is a qualified Otago Exercise Programme Leader who runs sessions each Tuesday at 11.30AM at St Mary’s Church Hall, Beverley. For further details, call Jennie on 01482 868166 or 07834 491242 or take a look at the website:

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