Tesco in Beverley cuts food waste through the Community Food Connection programme

Cfc Foodbank Nov 19

Tesco, Beverley are pleased to be working with the East Yorkshire Foodbank, Beverley Cherry Tree Community Centre, Leven Charity Pre-school and Long Riston Playgroup in their Community Food Connection programme.

As part of our pledge to cut food waste, the scheme supports charities and community groups, enabling us to donate surplus unsold food items at the end of each day. In the last 37 weeks, 20,510 meals have been donated to these groups from our Beverley store and 67,454 meals since the scheme started in 2016.

Staff from Tesco recently visited East Yorkshire Foodbank at Toll Gavel Church in Beverley to find out how the donations are helping people in our local community.

Development Manager Richard Newby said: ‘‘The Community Food Connection programme helps the foodbank. We collect unsold produce such as bread, pastries, fruit and vegetables from Tesco Beverley on a Tuesday evening. Visitors to the foodbank are allowed to take any of these items on a Wednesday to help them through the crisis situation that they are currently in. This generous donation from Tesco Beverley helps visitors to the foodbank to add fresh items to their food parcels.’’

Saturday night is still available for another group to benefit from the programme. Please contact Dave Ryley (07871 572742 / beverley.community@tesco.com) if you would like more information.

Just Beverley