Submerge yourself in art!

Art Waves

Are you ready for something new? 

ArtWaves Festival has announced its return to Bridlington for the fourth year on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 May 2018, showcasing traditional, digital, contemporary and urban art through a carefully tailored programme curated for all; from the experienced artists to those simply looking to see something different and this year they are proud to announce the launch of a brand new addition to the event, Submerge!

This strand of the event is aimed at young, new and emerging artists looking to create and display artwork on a public platform. ArtWaves are on the hunt for artists to pitch their ideas for installation based pieces and is committed to supporting artists through all the elements of concept to creation.

Submerge works by commissioning artists and working with them by way of technical support to deliver the piece, exposure through marketing and association with the event and a portfolio of images; providing further exposure to boost their artistic profile. 

This formatting has been adopted by many arts events across the country and proves to be highly successful in generating new artworks and helping to develop both artistic confidence and skills. 

Festival Director, Lauren Frost said, “I am extremely excited to bring this concept to ArtWaves, it is an idea I brought to life for a highly successful festival elsewhere in the region and one that gives artists a platform to showcase their ideas and the practical support to do it. It’s going to add a fantastic twist to ArtWaves and develop the support the festival can provide to those in the creative sector.” 

The festival is looking to commission 3 - 4 pieces for the 2018 event for a commission fee of £500 per artwork. These will be displayed at Bridlington Spa as part of the main festival weekend. 

The closing date for applications is Friday 19th January 2018, visit www.bridspa/com.artwaves to download an application.

If you have any questions or require further information email

Just Beverley