Studenteer Go Local

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Mia Price works as part of the PR team for Studenteer.

Studenter are a non-profit organisation run exclusively by students and recent graduates with a purpose to connect other students and graduates with charities and enable them to make a positive change through valuable work placements.

Studenter have seen a lot of positive growth over the past year and have been able to work with international charities such as UN Women. However, this month Studenteer are launching a Go Local campaign.

Mia is hoping to reach out to charities in the local area that have been championed by a member of the Studenteer team. In the Beverley area Cassie Wardill, who is one of Studenteer's graphic designers, has put forward Beverley Community Lift, Jacobs Well Appeal and FIND amongst several others, Cassie is hoping to have a working relationship with them by the end of the month.

This campaign is geographically specific, working locally, to encourage positivity, sharing and that during these trying times the most valuable thing we can all do is support each other.

Studenteer have  contacted 5 charities in the area and are in process of setting up projects. These will be dependent on the services the charity requests, the  placements are primarily in marketing, finance, legal, admin and IT, further information and testimonials can be found on the website, .
Enquires from charities and potential volunteers can email otherwise there are portals on the website for both registrations. 

Just Beverley