There is still time for people to book places for the final two, popular Kids Go Wild events this August, organised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s countryside access team.
To cap off a summer of Kids Go Wild adventures, the Wacky Wildlife with Rusticus event, on Friday, 26 August (at 11am, 12.30pm or 2pm) is for those who would like to explore the reserve with three entertaining, larger-than-life characters. Come along and meet wily woodpecker, ditzy dragonfly or barmy badger and take part in some seriously silly activities with them. There is also a special chance to take the perfect photo with them too.
The event – which includes multiple performances – takes place at Humber Bridge Country Park Local Nature Reserve (meeting at the Hessle Foreshore entrance next to the Black Mill car park) and is suitable for children (with a £2.50 cost) accompanied by adults (who go for free).
For more information on both these events, including the links to book for tickets, please visit or