Having had a Christmas and festive season, which has perhaps been like no other, we can reflect back on 2020 as it is time to now focus on the positives and move forward in to the New Year with high spirits.
With announcements that come spring time we may have some kind of normal life returning, we can use this as a positive strength to prepare us for the good times ahead.
Listening to the news, health programmes and medical experts have set out simple goals that allow us to achieve great results both mentally and physically, such as:
- Get up and get moving
- Keep things simple
- Set achievable targets and goals
- It's good to talk
Get up and get moving
Getting out and about during the winter can be difficult, but let's focus on the positives. Spring is on its way and the shortest day is behind us, which means we can utilise the time we have and keep increasing our activities as it gets lighter. The fresh cold air is a great stimulus. Get up and get moving.
Keep things simple
Exercising can be difficult with snow and ice around, so adopt exercises you can do safely and plan around the weather conditions. Suitable clothing will make it more enjoyable.
Do not over think what you do - keep it simple, do your research and make sure it suits you and your lifestyle. Start by adopting new habits, such as wrapping up and have a walk at lunch time, or before tea. Start slow and build up or perhaps get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning and enjoy a brisk walk, or even walk to work if that fits with your lifestyle. Keep it simple.
Set achievable targets and goals
Remember this does not work for everyone, you have to think what works for you. Set an achievable target or goal and work towards reaching it by giving yourself time to build up to the goal. Ensure to always allow rest time in your activity.
It may not be a physical activity, it may be a new hobby or learning new things, but still set yourself a suitable time to do it. Monitor how you are going on and adjust if necessary. Start small and build up, and you will unlock the keys to increasing your self worth.
It's good to talk
These days everyone seems to be glued to mobile phones or similar gadgets to communicate or entertain themselves. Whether you are always sending emails or text messages, remember the old expression "It's good to talk' and maybe you can change the primary ways you engage with people.
Let people know about your challenge, and encourage them to get involved. Working or training with a buddy helps to ensure motivation doesn't go away. Report back to family and friends about your achievements; it will keep you accountable and make you feel good as their support will go along way to keep you going.
Whatever it is you decide to do, whether it is more exercise, drawing, painting, cooking, or baking, start simple and build it up over the weeks. Rome was not built in a day, so take your time to get where you want to go. Encourage others, and they will in turn encourage you.
Stay positive and look forward to a great spring and summer.