Year 6 children at St Mary’s CE primary School were so concerned to see children in South Sudan having to drink dirty water which endanger their lives, that they determined to do something about it. They decided they would raise money for water pumps by selling their own water bottles, which they have designed, with every penny of profit going to South Sudan via Christian Aid. They are also collecting old batteries for recycling to highlight the importance of recycling and looking after scarce resources.
We all know how distressing it is to see hungry and thirsty children living in poor countries. Christian Aid, one of St Mary’s School’s supported charities, has been highlighting this issue, which the children have addressed by selling water bottles with their own unique label. The bottles retail for £3 or two for £5. The children in the school are encouraged to buy them so they remember to drink more water as well as reminding themselves of some of the dreadful conditions children in other countries face every day. If you would like to support St Mary’s School and Christian Aid in this way, please contact 01482 868149.
St Mary’s School is taking part in ‘The Big Battery Hunt’ which is a nationwide battery recycling initiative organised by the National Schools Partnership and funded by Duracell. They are appealing to everyone to collect their used batteries and take them into their drop-off point at Beverley Car and Cycles, Norwood. You can take in all your old AAA, AA, B, C and button batteries but do take in other batteries if you have them, too!
The children in the school have taken home a small box to fill with AA, AAA, C and D batteries with the help of an adult - for safety reasons they not asked to collect button batteries - but YOU can! Aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils, the children are encouraged to look to the wider community to get involved - so, Just Beverley readers, here’s your challenge!!!
The schools which collect the most batteries are in with a chance of winning math subscriptions for the whole school, vouchers for school equipment and prizes and certificates for the children. Wouldn’t it be great if St Mary’s was at the top of the leader board when the competition ends on June 3rd? We can help them to do this!
You can check out their progress at Debbie Frost who is leading the campaign at the school said: “This is a great way to get children enthused about such an important issue. We’re hoping everyone will get behind this campaign and help us show that together we can make a difference!” St Mary’s is already registered under the Eco Schools scheme and has a band of Eco Beavers who led an assembly on the importance of recycling.
Well done everyone - you are an inspiration!