Every day gets a little bit brighter, there’s a bit more warmth in the air and some stunning sunrises and sunsets over the Westwood.
Spring is on the way and with it, the opportunity to get out and about and see all the delights of spring as the snowdrops and crocuses begin to poke their heads above the soil and the daffodils will be following shortly. Young animals are seen in the fields and there’s the scent of spring in the air.
To quote Billy Connolly, “There’s no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes”… and it’s possibly the best time of the year to get wrapped up and take a walk, raising the endorphin and serotonin levels and getting out in the daylight raising the levels of vitamin D and consequently supporting the immune system.
It’s also an ideal time of the year to take a few moments and really be in the “now” and practice a little mindfulness as you walk out into the town. Do you ever stop on your walk across the Westwood or sit on a bench along Toll Gavel and just allow your senses to take in what’s happening in each moment with open awareness - noticing what you can smell, hear, see (look up at the buildings) or feel the ground under your feet and the sense of connection?
It can be interesting to notice what we miss as we rush around with a list of actions to be ticked off. Maybe focus on one sense such as smell as you move from the shops and coffee bars, go for a wander through St Mary’s Church and then walk up onto the Westwood and notice how the scents of each environment changes as you pause to notice.
Astronomical Spring began on the day of the vernal Equinox this year fell on Monday 20th March and signalled the return of sunshine and warmer temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere. This is both an astronomical event and one marked by the ancients as the time when, in theory, the sun’s rays are shared equally in the northern and southern hemispheres and night and day are roughly the same length. Early civilisations found these heavenly happenings a reliable way of keeping track of the seasons.
As we move into the light it becomes more tempting to get outdoors into the sunshine and appreciate not only the health-giving benefits of exercise and fresh air but the opportunity to connect with others which can come from the simplest of gestures - a smile, a compliment or spending time in a café really savouring your favourite drink and watching the world pass by.
It might be time to learn new skills so contact your local Adult Education Centre and see what courses are available, whether it be vocational (such as improving IT skills) or cookery. You may have ambitions to set up your own group in the community - did you know that East Riding Council are opening welcoming places to offer warm social spaces with a range of refreshments and activities: www.eastriding.gov.uk/cost-of-livinghelp-for-households/helping-communities/
If you’ve got time to spare you might check out what charities are looking for help and working in the outdoors might be just what you’re looking for as the days get warmer with organisations such as Beverley Community Orchard. As you wake up in the morning, it’s worth remembering, no matter what the day brings, the birds always start the day with a song and below is one of my favourite ditties…
I wish I was a glow worm
A glow worm is never glum
Cos how can you be grumpy
When the sun shines out of your Bum.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re curious about mindfulness. Every Monday evening I run an online mindfulness session free of charge which offers a wonderful opportunity to take time out for yourself. If you’d like to join, drop me a message/e-mail or give me a call and I’ll send the zoom link to you. For more information and details on further techniques including hypnotherapy, visit www.francesdunning.com or contact me, Fran Dunning on 07973 819867.