Sponsor a Community Lift seat

Community Lift

Beverley Community Lift is a local charity established for 45 years. It offers a caring and supportive voluntary transport service for people who cannot easily use other forms of transport, e.g. elderly, disabled or those who are rurally isolated.

Beverley Community Lift is seeking sponsorship from local businesses to help keep their buses on the road. Only £100 sponsors a seat for a year. In return, the charity will display an A5 advert with the business’ name and logo on the bus; and also put an acknowledgement on their website with a link to the business.

The charity currently has 7 minibuses, all driven by volunteers. The buses provide transport for: local organisations such as Arthritis Care and Stroke Groups, door-to-door shopping trips to a local supermarket, day trips to get people out and about, and wheelchair accessible vehicles.

Last year, it cost £3,700 in running costs for Daisy, one of the buses. This figure does not include fuel. 

For more information on getting involved and sponsoring a seat, please call Jan on 01482 868082 or email manager@bclift.org.uk

Just Beverley