Santa's Magical Grotto arrives at Sledmere House!

Sledmere House Grotto Poster

There have been some exciting changes made this year at Sledmere Grotto HQ!  Not only has the Grotto moved to a wonderful new location in the traditional Home Farm buildings but Sledmere House have also made your experience even more special by getting rid of most of the queuing!

From now on you can book your visit online to suit you, and bookings can be made up to an hour before each session starts. In small groups you’ll get to explore the Magical Grotto, enjoy some festive fun and games with the Elves, visit Santa to tell him what’s on your wish list this year and also let him know how nice you’ve been in order to be granted access into the Elves VIP Toy Store to choose your very own gift from Santa!

Your grotto ticket also gives you free access into the Grounds and Gardens, the Rare Breeds Farm Park, Adventure Play Area and not forgetting the special, festive ride on a tractor and trailer to the Park to see the beautiful herd of Red Deer, who look forward to seeing you boys and girls every year!

Groups consist of no more than 10 children, two adult places are available per child and extra can be purchased on the day at the registration desk if group numbers allow. Please ensure you arrive 10 minutes before your session time starts to allow for registration and to make sure you have the maximum time to enjoy the fun and games in the grotto before it’s your turn to see Santa.

Santa’s Grotto is open Saturday 30th November and Sunday December 1st and the weekends of 7th and 8th, 14th and 15th, 21st and 22nd December. 

Ticket prices: Children £10.50; Adult £4.00. This is a Pre bookable events and tickets can be purchased online at

Just Beverley