Residents urged not to use unlicensed waste collectors to prevent fly-tipping

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Residents in the East Riding are being encouraged to help prevent fly-tipping during the coronavirus lockdown by not giving their rubbish to unlicensed waste collectors.

At the present time all household waste recycling sites in the East Riding are closed following Government advice, as a trip to the tip is not considered essential travel at the present time.

So East Riding of Yorkshire Council is asking residents to please keep items they want to take to recycling sites at home for the time being.

Bin collections are continuing for household waste.

But the council’s enforcement officers are aware that fly-tippers are still operating in the East Riding area and may be taking advantage of the closure of the recycling sites.

The council will continue to operate its normal investigations in response to fly-tipping and residents are urged to report any suspicious activity they may become aware of during the lockdown period.

To help prevent fly-tipping happening in the first place, residents who hire someone to take waste are asked to follow the SCRAP CODE to check whether the operator they use is authorised and genuine.

Firms operating legally will hold a waste carriers’ licence and be registered with the Environment Agency. Residents can check that registration online at or by calling the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506.

Paul Tripp, head of streetscene services at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “Fly-tipping has continued since the coronavirus lockdown, but residents can play a big part in helping us prevent it.

“If you hire a waste collector always follow the simple checks in the SCRAP Code, such as checking their licence and getting a receipt, to avoid falling victim to rogue operators.

“If you are unsure we would ask you to keep hold of your waste until the household waste recycling sites are back open.”

Anyone caught fly-tipping could be ordered to pay a £400 fixed penalty notice and, if unpaid, the issue will be taken to court, where they could face an unlimited fine or even imprisonment.


Residents are urged to follow the council’s SCRAP Code and make the following checks when hiring anyone to take away their rubbish:

  • Suspect – Beware of rogue waste carriers. Reputable companies do not usually make direct approaches. If in any doubt as to whether someone is a legitimate waste carrier, do not allow them to take your waste.
  • Check – Ask to see their waste carrier registration details and verify them by checking the online register at or by calling the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506. Note down the registration number of the vehicle used to take your waste away.
  • Refuse – Refuse unsolicited offers to have any rubbish taken away. Always carry out your own research and choose who you wish to approach.
  • Ask – Always ask what exactly is going to happen to your rubbish and seek evidence that it is going to be disposed of appropriately. A legitimate, professional waste carrier who wants your business should not object to being asked reasonable questions.
  • Paperwork – Make sure you get a proper receipt containing the written information for your waste. This should include what has been removed and where it will be going. Make sure the firm’s or trades person’s details are included.

Fly-tipping information:

  • Residents can report any fly-tipping or suspicious activity to the council online at
  • People are asked not to touch any fly-tipped waste or approach anyone they see fly-tipping.
  • For guidance on how to check if a person is a licensed registered waste carrier visit the council’s website
Just Beverley