Residents in East Riding have until end of July to have their say on health and wellbeing issues and services.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council launched the Health and Wellbeing survey in March to hear from residents, to help inform development of public health and care services in the future.
So far, 2,500 residents have completed the survey. The majority of people who have taken part have been over 40, and so the council is keen to hear from people in their twenties and thirties.
Councillor Dave Tucker, portfolio holder for adults, health and care said: “We want to make sure that the services and support we deliver reflect what residents are telling us they need and want.
“Understanding the health and wellbeing of our residents helps us plan our public health priorities, services and support for the future. I would encourage any resident over the age of 18 to complete the ten minute survey.”
The survey asks questions about issues including the cost of living, mental health and social connections, physical activity, covid, smoking and alcohol use.
Residents can complete the survey online:
Paper versions are also available on request, as are versions in braille and in different languages, by email or telephone on 01482 393939.
Carers can also complete the survey on behalf of people they are caring for.
Findings will feed into the Health and Wellbeing Partnership, made up of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and Healthwatch East Riding.