Reading Well for Children scheme to support children's health and wellbeing in the region

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As part of Children’s Mental Health Week (7 to 13 February), East Riding Libraries would like people to join them in learning about the Reading Well for Children scheme, which can be used to support children who they work or live with.

The scheme is a booklist of 33 expert-endorsed titles which support children’s mental health and wellbeing.

The list is targeted at children in Key Stage 2 but includes titles aimed at a wide range of reading levels that support less confident readers. It also encourages children to read together with their siblings and carers.

The scheme works by giving:

  • teachers, health and social care professionals, parents, guardians, or anyone supporting children and family the chance to recommend helpful reading
  • access to books which are available on the open shelves of all East Riding Libraries, for any member to borrow and reserve. It is free to become a member of the library
  • full sets of books, which can be made available for loan to schools who subscribe to East Riding Schools’ Library Service.

Councillor Mike Medini, portfolio holder for cultural and leisure assets at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “We are delighted to be offering this scheme, as there is currently an enormous need for quality-assured health and wellbeing information, advice and stories to support children in understanding and managing their mental health and wellbeing.

“A recent study of 10,000 families in the UK suggests that primary school children were much more troubled by lockdown than secondary school pupils, so it is vital people participate in this scheme.”

Librarian Ellie Goodyear said: “This scheme provides evidence-based interventions for common mental health needs, including anxiety, depression and behaviour problems. It also supports children and young people who experience traumatic events such as bereavement.

“The collection contains titles on managing specific conditions, including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and living well with a physical disability.

“These clinically endorsed books provide children, families and carers with invaluable information, advice and support for coping with feelings and worries, and daily life through tough times. So, it is important we champion the Reading Well for Children scheme in schools, workplaces or at home.”

East Riding Libraries will also be putting on three events in February to raise awareness of the Children’s Week and the Reading Well for Children scheme.

The two launches planned are aimed at professionals working with children to showcase the books and resources the scheme offers. These are:

Twilight launch of Reading Well for Children

Thursday, 10 February, Education Room at The Treasure House, Beverley, half-hour slots available between 4-6pm, refreshments available.

Attendees can learn about the scheme through a short presentation, insight into some of the books, access to free resources, and a chance to ask questions and network with others in attendance. Booking recommended

To book please contact (01482) 392750 or email

Webinar launch of Reading Well for Children

Thursday, 24 February, 4pm (for a 4.15pm start) via Microsoft Teams.

Attendees can learn about the scheme through a short presentation, insight into some of the books, access to free resources, and a chance to ask questions and network with others in the webinar. Booking essential.

To book, please register via

There is also a Family Yoga Storytime in February aimed at children and their parents or guardians.

Family Yoga Storytime

Friday, 11 February, 4-4.45pm at the Education Room, Treasure House, Beverley.

Join in for a free combined session of yoga and children’s story, 'Augustus and His Smile'. Participants can stretch and learn like Augustus the tiger, to help him find his smile.

Suitable for children aged 3-8 with an accompanying adult.

Please bring, if possible, your own water bottle, yoga mat and blanket, or warm jacket, for relaxation. Refreshments and yoga mats can be provided.

Booking is essential - please contact (01482) 392750 or email

In addition to these sessions, there are numerous special Storytime events taking place in other East Riding Libraries to celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week. To find out more, visit

East Riding Libraries also provide other Reading Well schemes. To find out more, visit the Libraries Health Zone section of the website, at or pop into an East Riding Library and ask a member of staff.

Just Beverley