Parents and carers of children starting infant, junior and primary schools in September 2019 have been informed of which school their child will be attending.
Letters and emails advising families and carers of the outcome of their applications for places are being sent out today (Tuesday, 16 April 2019)
This year, 3,085 applicants living in the East Riding of Yorkshire applied for 2019/2020 reception places at infant and primary schools, with 98.99 per cent (3,047) being allocated a place at one of their three choices of school and 96.14 per cent (2,966) being allocated their first choice of school.
A total of 33 of the 118 primary and infant schools across East Riding of Yorkshire are oversubscribed.
Only 1.23 per cent of children (38) could not be allocated a place at any of their three chosen schools. All 38 have been offered places at schools local to their home addresses.
Fifty four East Riding children will be going to primary schools in other local authority areas, while 176 children resident in other local authority areas will be travelling to East Riding schools.
All 420 East Riding residents who applied for their children to transfer from an infant school to Year 3 at one of the six junior schools have been allocated places at the school named as their first preference.
Deborah Myers, the council’s head of children and young people, education and schools, said: “The outcomes of this year’s admissions round confirm that, overwhelmingly, the schools in the East Riding continue to offer parents what they really want for their children: a good education at a local school.”