The local foster care agency, Orange Grove, is moving to larger premises on Annie Reed Road as it expands to accommodate the needs of the local population. Orange Grove places children up to the age of 18 as locally as possible, depending on individual circumstances. Children might need care for a whole variety of reasons which is why suitable foster carers are always being sought. Children are ideally placed with family members, but that isn’t always possible.
Senior Social Worker, Kim Gibson-Gibbs, told Just Beverley that the ideal foster carer has a spare room; can drive and has their own transport; has patience; is a good listener; is resilient and has a nurturing personality. She added: “Anyone can be a foster carer if they wish to be as long as they are over 21. There is no requirement to having been a parent. Age is not a barrier - health, well-being and outlook is more important. Everyone is assessed on their own merits.”
Foster carer Lynne Moody said: “Orange Grove is so supportive. The training and encouragement is second to none. Sometimes the kids can be challenging - they are confused, they don’t want to go into care and they might have to be parted from their siblings - but Orange Grove help is available 24/7.” Along with new foster carers, Orange Grove also welcomes carers who have worked with other agencies but might wish to be involved with a more local company.
Enquiries are always welcome by email or telephone: 07496 940825.
Orange Grove Fostercare Moves Premises
Wed 1st June 2016