Community Advisory Groups (CAGs) are a way for our diverse communities to work with the police to help improve our service delivery on matters that are important to you and us.
CAGs help the police to build insight into the needs, wants and assets of the groups who are under-represented in our normal decision-making processes. CAGs enable the police to create a genuine partnership with our communities and act as both a “key contact” and ‘critical friend’ to the force
Advice provided by CAGs help to develop and improve plans and policies which shape the way the community is served with the intent of improving the quality of policing services.
The Beverley Cluster Cag are keen to attract members to their CAG which meets once every three months. Members are not expected to be a spokesperson but should have a passion about their community and the policing of it.
Membership seeks to be reflective of the protective characteristics held within the Equality Act 2010.
Interested parties are encouraged to contact