Mayor making took place last night at the Guildhall in Beverley.
The outgoing Mayor presented the Good Neighbour award, Young Persons award and cheques to the Mayoral charities. The election of the Mayor for the current municipal year took place and Robert Caton Begnett was elected, Ann Willis will be his Deputy.
The Good Neighbour award was presented to Lance Wardell, who has been volunteering with the Town Council, as a representative on Queensgate Allotment for several years. Lance is a driving force in the Beverley Gardens and Allotment Association and has been involved in supporting with the setup of the new location on Queensgate Allotment.
The second Good Neighbour Award goes to The Beverley Crew of the Humberside Fire & Rescue Service managed by Shaun Harrison. The Beverley Crew carries out vital work in the function of fire prevention and fire & rescue services as their role would expect. They hold an annual Open Day, they have actively twinned with Lemgo for many years to raise the profile of Beverley and support twinning links, and they also have helped Beverley Town Council over several years on community projects, including the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, Beverley in Bloom projects, the Queens 90 th Birthday Beacon Lighting, Beverley Food Festival, the Tour de Yorkshire and other town events.
Evangelina Rawling from 1st Beverley was the recipient of the Young Persons award. She is currently near to completing the Baden-Powell Challenge Award, which is the highest award a Guide can achieve. On 23rd April 2016 (the recent very cold weekend) she completed the adventure which is essential to the completion of the award.
Vangie did very well to go by herself and complete the Baden Powell adventure, though there were some girls from other Beverley units that she knew.
This particular adventure was very demanding of the girls as they met at Guideacres campsite in Raywell then walked to another site near Melton, carrying all of their equipment in rucksacks on their backs. They then built shelters and slept in them inside survival bags (with a sleeping bag inside). They could count this adventure as also completing the clause #39; Make a bivouac, spend the night in it and make your own breakfast the following morning.
Several months ago, Evangelina also stepped in to help with the Brownies at Church Parade at Beverley Minster, when there was a shortage of adult help. She guided the girls through the service, helped them with the activities during the service and with the presentation of flags. She will also become a Young Leader with the Guide unit in a few months’ time.