Major A164/B1232 Willerby Roundabout Improvements to start in September

Major A164 B1232 Willerby Roundabout Improvements To Start In September

East Riding of Yorkshire Council has announced that a major road scheme to improve the congested roundabout at the A164/B1232 Willerby Roundabout is due to begin on 4 September 2023, with the works expected to take 22 weeks to complete. The contractor carrying out the works is Galliford Try Infrastructure Ltd.

The £1.9m scheme involves enlarging and signalising the existing roundabout along with lane additions and reallocations, with the aim of increasing junction capacity, and so reducing queues and delays.

Councillor Gary McMaster, portfolio holder for housing and infrastructure, said: “Our extensive traffic modelling of the proposals predicts that the junction capacity will increase by around 30%, with substantial reductions in queueing on the B1232 approach, which is currently heavily congested at peak times. This is largely due to traffic turning right having to give way to westbound A164 traffic.

“The proposed design allows both B1232 approach lanes to turn right onto the A164 eastbound. Computer controlled traffic signals with queue detection equipment will ensure the junction operates in a balanced manner. Additionally, both westbound lanes on the A164 will be available for straight ahead traffic, and an internal turn lane is included for right turners from the A164 eastbound.”

The scheme will be part funded by local housing developers, with the remainder funded by the council.

Temporary traffic signals will only be permitted at night (from 7pm to 6.30am). During the day, a minimum of one lane in each direction will be maintained, except on Albion Lane where periodical 7pm to 6.30am night-time closures are required. However, even with these construction conditions, delays and disruption can be expected. Advance signs will be erected on the surrounding road network informing motorists of the potential delays.

An East Riding of Yorkshire Council spokesperson said: “We apologise in advance for the delay and disruption that will be caused during these works, and ask that motorists and residents bear with us whilst our contractors work to make significant improvements to this very congested junction.”

Full details of the scheme can be found at : 

Just Beverley