Longcroft School is to be known as Longcroft School and Sixth Form College, as part of a fresh look and identity for the educational establishment.
Headteacher Ian O'Donnell said: "The reason for the change is two-fold. Firstly, it is to promote our sixth form and the fact that we have now established a trend of supporting young people to make great progress. Our progress measures post-16 are among the highest in the country and we want to celebrate and promote this.
"The other opportunity a name change affords us is that of reflecting on and reasserting our aims and values. It also allows us to look at how we operate and organise ourselves.
"To that end, we are entering a period of consultation with our parents and students on a range of issues, including our school uniform, the organisation of the school day and the quality of our provision, to name a few.
"The outcome of the consultation will help the headteacher and governors make appropriate decisions about the future of the school."
The new name will be officially used from September.