Want to find out more about your diagnosis of dementia?
A free dementia course FOR people recently diagnosed with dementia created and delivered BY people living with dementia in the East Riding.
It will give you the opportunity to:
1) Find out more about my dementia.
2) Look to overcome some of the barriers I face.
3) Look at the changing relationships with my nearest and
4) Find out what and who is out there for me in East Riding.
We will offer you the chance to meet us prior to the course to say hello and to answer any questions you might have.
Course Dates:
Thursday 18th March, Thursday 25th March, Thursday 1st April, Thursday 8th April, Thursday 15th April, Thursday
22nd April, Thursday 29th April.
Course Times:
10.30am every Thursday morning. All sessions will be via Zoom and last about 1 hour and 15 minutes. We can provide
support to help you get connected. To enrol, simply contact Damian, email: damian@myid.org.uk, tel: 07927 405 854
or Melissa, email: melissadalby@nhs.net