Indigo Moon celebrates 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland

Alice And The White Rabbit 2

Charles Ludwige Dodgson was a frequent visitor to Beverley; his Grandfather lived in Hull and his uncle was Rector of Burton Agnes and Harpham. Charles himself was ordained and it is rumoured that he preached in St Mary's in Beverley. At the entrance to St Michael's Chapel in St Mary's is a figure of a hare with a messenger bag, scroll and staff, which is said to be the inspiration for the white rabbit which appears in Alice in Wonderland - which Charles Dodgson wrote 150 years ago under the pen name of Lewis Carroll. Despite their very busy schedule which takes them all over the world, Indigo Moon will be performing their shadow puppet piece ' Alice and the White Rabbit' at East Riding Theatre on November 1st in celebration of this very special anniversary. What's more, after the performance, they will be sharing some of their technical secrets. 

Just Beverley