Humber Museums Partnership Announce a New Project, Framed.

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August 26th officially marked the start of Humber Museums Partnership’s new project, Framed. The Humber Museums Partnership is one of 21 major partnership museums funded by the Arts Council of England and comprises of Hull, East Riding and North Lincolnshire museums services.
The Framed project aims to introduce the public to some of the collections that can be found across twenty-eight museums in the region.
Susan Hopkinson, Museum Manager for North Lincolnshire service, explains, “The aim of our Framed project is to make people aware of the fascinating objects held within our region’s diverse museum collections. They reflect the wealth of history and heritage that is available for people of all ages to see and experience at our museums.”
Overall, there are 100 items used in the Framed project; 30 from each member of the partnership and 10 from independent museums. These pieces were carefully chosen by the museum's curators because of the compelling stories they tell and the contribution they make to a deeper understanding of the history, local and beyond.
Using the hashtag #FRMD, the project will introduce the public to the collections by presenting the pieces through digital experiences, billboards and community workshops in a variety of public spaces and venues. Further along the timeline, the project also aims to grab the attention of the public through new technologies, including virtual reality, social media, apps and web platforms .
Nial Adams, Museum Manager for East Riding Museum’s Service, said; “The region’s museums hold a treasure trove of unique and exciting material that tells amazing stories. Framed aims to make everyone aware of this and encourages them to enjoy these items first hand. We have focused on a variety of storytelling mediums to ensure a wide scope of interest from all age groups and backgrounds.”
He added; “This is hugely positive, as this will ensure future generations from far and wide will be able to appreciate this medium and the collections they promote, and continue to visit our sites each year without fail.”
The Framed project will run throughout 2017, the year Hull becomes UK City of Culture. All Framed pieces can be viewed at the museums anytime during opening hours. You can find out more about the Humber Museums Partnership and the Framed project at or by searching for “Humber Museums Partnership” on Facebook and Twitter.

Just Beverley