The Humber Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is searching for the most influential future projects to fuel further growth in the Humber.
The LEP are taking on submissions for their latest round of applications to add to their Project Pipeline, currently made up of around 60 projects that have potential to support the delivery of the Humber’s strategic objectives.
These projects – which range from those supporting jobs and new business creation, to developing skills provision or improving infrastructure – all support the economic development of the region and may be brought forward for future funding opportunities.
Now, the LEP are on the lookout for new or updated projects that could help the region deliver the ambitious Industrial Strategy the LEP is currently developing with Government – building on the Prospectus that was launched last month. Project suggestions can be at any stage of development, including early stage ideas.
The proposed Industrial Strategy, which will set out the direction of growth in the Humber and is expected to be agreed with the Government by the end of September, covers issues including innovation, skills, infrastructure and business support – as well as the Humber’s headline ambition to pursue clean growth around the Energy Estuary.
The LEP is also seeking proposals to invest in skills and training facilities over the next two years as it allocates its remaining skills capital funding from its Growth Deals with Government.
Chair of the Humber LEP, Lord Haskins, said: “We are inviting organisations throughout the Humber region to come forward with their ideas for our Project Pipeline.
“As we develop our Industrial Strategy with Government, we want to ensure we are aware of the specific ideas and ambitions our partners have that could help move the Humber economy forward. We are looking for creative proposals from across the area, from organisations in every sector.
“Government is due to be carrying out a Spending Review later this year, and is thinking about the design of future programmes. This call for ideas will help us make the best case possible for future investment on behalf of the region, and ensure we can prioritise resources to best effect.”
For more information about the pipeline and how to submit a proposal, please see