Health and Wellbeing Board to consider new strategy - improving children's lives through positive parenting

Health And Wellbeing Council

A new strategy to champion the importance of improving children's lives through positive parenting is due to be discussed by the area’s Health and Wellbeing Board.

Parenting is recognised as playing a vital role in the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families and the new strategy's ambition is for every child in the East Riding to have the best possible start in life.

The Parenting Strategy has been developed following extensive research, consultation and partnership working and was approved by the Children's Trust Board in June.

The Health and Wellbeing Board will now be asked to support the implementation of an action plan and help champion a culture within the East Riding which promotes the role of parenting.

Councillor Jonathan Owen, chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, said: “Positive parenting is pivotal to us achieving our ambition for the East Riding to be a great place to grow up and ensuring that children have the best outcomes in later life by having the best possible start in life.

"The new strategy and its action plan have three priorities: to provide the support that parents and carers need, when they need it; for organisations to work together to provide parenting programmes based on evidenced need; and to ensure commitment to parenting support.

“The Health and Wellbeing Board is a perfect platform to assess this very important strategy, which is part of a bigger picture of continual health and social care improvements across the East Riding, and members look forward to being able to contribute to its objectives.

"By supporting parents to help improve their children's lives we can build an even better future for the next generations of East Riding residents."

The board will also consider the range of healthcare services for children aged up to five across the East Riding.

The East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group will report to the board on the range of services commissioned and provided to children in this age group, including information about community paediatrics and paediatric therapies, primary care, looked-after children, hospital inpatient, outpatient and A&E statistics, mental health and maternity services.

Other items on the agenda include an infant feeding strategy, integrated services for children, young people and families commissioned by East Riding of Yorkshire Council's Public Health team and an update on the NHS Five Year Forward View.

The Board will meet at County Hall, Beverley at 2pm on Thursday, 13 July. For a full agenda visit


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