Graham Stuart urges constituents to take last chance to have their say on MIU closure plans

Graham Stuart Mp

With under two weeks until East Riding Clinical Commissioning Group’s consultation on Urgent Care closes, Graham Stuart MP is urging constituents to have their say on the controversial plans to close the Minor Injury Units in Hornsea and Withernsea and to remove community beds from Withernsea Hospital – threatening the future of the entire unit.

Graham, who has helped to lead opposition to the plans over the last twelve months, has now been joined by local GPs in warning that they will leave people in Holderness struggling to access urgent care facilities and in calling for the CCG to think again.

Graham has prepared two template letters on his website at, which residents of Beverley and Holderness can either send in to the consultation’s freepost address or use as the basis for their own letter.

Graham said, “Time is running out for people to tell East Riding CCG that they want urgent care facilities to remain open in Holderness and that they don’t want to have to travel miles and miles to access a nurse when they need one.  Rather than closing services the CCG should be staffing existing ones properly and providing healthcare at the point of need.

“The consultation closes on 17 January and I hope by that time thousands of East Riding residents will have taken ten minutes to protect our local health services.  With a rising NHS budget there is no excuse for the CCG reducing the level of cover available in more remote rural areas.”

Just Beverley