Father Completes Over 3000 Miles Trans-atlantic Solo “Row For Amy” In Memory Of Daughter.

Father Completes Over 3000 Miles Trans Atlantic Solo Row For Amy In Memory Of Daughter

Deputy PM Dominic Raab paid tribute to Andrew in PMQs yesterday (Wednesday 29 March):

“Our heart-felt condolences go to the family of Amy. Likewise, our congratulations go to Andrew on an incredible feat. The fact that 12 young people die every week from an undiagnosed hearty condition is something we all want to see an end to. There’s more resource going in. There’s more research going in.”

A father who lost his daughter to a hidden cardiac condition has finished an 11-week (78 days 10 hours) 3000+ mile marathon solo row across the Atlantic Ocean.

Overall he has raised more than £150,000 sponsorship which will fund screening of around 1500 state school children who could be living with the same ticking time-bomb that killed his beloved Amy six years ago. It costs around £100 per test.

Andrew Osborne and his family grew up in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Amy Osborne died in her sleep six years ago from an undiagnosed heart condition at the age of 25.

She became one of the 12 young people who die each week in the UK from this cause. Like Amy, 80% don’t experience any symptoms.

The Family established a memorial fund with the charity CRY - Cardiac Risk in the Young - to raise funds to provide screening for children and young adults.

On January 8th this year Andrew left Gran Canaria for Antigua. It has been a huge physical and mental challenge that has taken its toll. Last week in the closing stages he wrote in a blog from the small 20-foot rowing-boat:

“It feels like waiting to be released from prison…It is now in my grasp and I am determined to get there as fast as I can.

“The heat is a constant battle. I know everyone thinks it must be lovely in the sunshine….but when the only shelter you have got is a plastic box, there is no escape.

“Some days it is 40 degrees plus and it becomes unbearably hot inside and outside the cabin.

“James Cracknell who rowed the Atlantic back in 2005, told me over email that this would be more of a mental battle than a physical one and he is certainly right.

“Like anything, there are good things and bad things about being out here …this really is an adventure of a lifetime.

“With all her ferocity, unpredictability and mystery, the Atlantic really is a majestic place to be and for that I am truly grateful.

“I just have to keep going, keep rowing, one stroke at a time. I will get there, come hell or high water.

Andrew’s final words to his family as he rowed away from Pasito Blanco were that he wanted to be greeted on the Antiguan shore with a Jack Daniels with ginger, an ice-cold coca cola, a burger and a large cigar.

All were waiting in Falmouth Harbour, Antigua, in abundance, but the greatest reward was being reunited with members of his family, including grandchildren, who had done out to welcome him back.

Just Beverley