The number of small employers staging for auto-enrolment will peak in 2017.
The process has become much easier for many small organisations, often packaging up pensions staging with their payroll provider, making compliance and payment simple. And for those staging this year just check before you spend loads of time on this as the rules have been revised.
Where a company has a single director and no other staff or has more than one director and no other staff, it will only be an employer for the purposes of automatic enrolment if more than one of the directors has a contract of employment with the company. All organisations have a staging date for when they need to do this.
You will have been sent a letter notifying you of your staging date by The Pensions Regulator. As part of the enrolment process, Stipendia can help you with the following:
• Assessing your workforce
• Processing any opt outs that you receive
• Processing cessation of contributions
• Enrolling any opt ins
• Providing you with an employee status report each period
• Providing you with a schedule of contributions
Resources: Visit our website and watch our video or download our useful factsheet and the learn more about the 10 step process: Employers can find out their own staging date at
Stipendia can help your business with the auto enrolment process, offering services along side their tailored payroll solutions for your employees, including help with compliance, employee communications and consultancy. If you would like to discuss how this initiative impacts your payroll, you can get in touch with them by calling 0845 308 2288 or visiting their website.