East Riding Local Plan Update has been submitted to the Secretary of State

East Riding Local Plan Update Has Been Submitted To The Secretary Of State

The East Riding of Yorkshire Local Plan Update has been submitted to the government. This is an update of the existing East Riding Local Plan, adopted in 2016.

The updated Plan proposes that 20,900 dwellings are built in the East Riding and approximately 208 hectares are allocated as employment land in the period up to 2039. The Plan also seeks to retain and enhance the East Riding’s high-quality environment, and ensure good access to a range of infrastructure, services and facilities.

The documents within this Plan set out the vision, objectives, planning policies and allocations for development within the East Riding of Yorkshire until 2039.

East Riding communities were given a say on what they thought of the updates to the plan in 2018, 2021 and 2022. Residents were most recently asked to comment on whether the Plan was legally compliant, sound, and complied with the duty to cooperate. These opinions, referred to as proposed submission representations, have now been considered, and the submitted Local Plan Update has been shaped by the people of the East Riding.

Now that the Plan has been submitted, an independent planning inspector will be appointed to consider the documents, including the comments received from East Riding communities, in an Examination. They will then determine whether the Plan meets the requirements of legal compliance, the duty cooperate and soundness. They will also consider whether the Plan can be adopted by the council with or without changes.

Once adopted, the updated Plan will replace the existing East Riding Local Plan.

Alan Menzies, executive director of planning and economic regeneration, said: “The Local Plan is an important document for shaping communities for the future, and thanks to the contributions from the residents of the East Riding, we have been able to submit this update and feel confident that it can guide our region’s development for the years to come.

“The Local Plan Update is available to view online, and I encourage residents to take a look at just what we’re proposing for the future of the East Riding, and how we are helping strengthen communities.”

Where can I view the documents?

The East Riding Local Plan Update submission documents and further information are available to view online at www.eastriding.gov.uk/localplanupdate.

If you cannot access the documents online, you can view hard copies at the following places:

  • East Riding libraries
  • Customer service centres
  • Multi service centres
  • Certain mobile libraries

These will be available to view during normal opening hours.

All details relating to the Examination process, including any hearing sessions, will be advertised, made available online and sent to all those who submitted a proposed submission representation. You can view updates to the Examination of the Plan here: www.localplanservices.co.uk/eastriding.

Just Beverley