East Riding Libraries offer good news for residents concerned about the mental health of a child in their care

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East Riding Libraries are offering the chance to explore Reading Well for Children - a list of books recommended to help children understand their feelings and worries, and cope with tough times. East Riding Libraries stock a full collection of every book on the list in every East Riding Library, all free to borrow.

The books have been chosen by children, carers, health experts and librarians. They are endorsed by leading health organisations such as NHS England, MIND, and the Royal College of GPs. The list is targeted at children in Key Stage 2 but includes titles aimed at a wide range of reading levels to support less confident readers, and to encourage children to read together with their siblings and carers.

A recent study of 10,000 families in the UK suggested primary school children were much more troubled by lockdown than secondary school pupils. In addition, a survey of young people undertaken by YoungMinds found that 80% of respondents agreed that the coronavirus pandemic had made their mental health worse. This was often related to increased feelings of anxiety, isolation, a loss of coping mechanisms or a loss of motivation.

Schools can also request to loan a full ‘Reading Well for Children’ collection to the school as part of the Schools’ Library Service, along with downloadable classroom activity packs to accompany some of the books - find out more about the Schools' Library Service at https://www.eastridinglibraries.co.uk/memberships/schools-library-service/

View the full collection, and various other health and wellbeing reading lists and support available through East Riding Libraries at https://www.eastridinglibraries.co.uk/more-than-books/health-zone.

East Riding Libraries continue to operate an order and collect service throughout lockdown, meaning customers can reserve books online, through the East Riding Libraries app, or phone their local branch, and then collect when books are available.

The library is free to join and free to use – find out more at www.eastridinglibraries.co.uk

Just Beverley