Parents and carers of children due to start infant and primary schools in September 2021 have today been informed which school their child has been allocated.
Letters and emails advising families and carers of the outcome of their applications for places are being sent out today on National Offer Day (Friday, 16 April 2021).
Out of the 118 infant and primary schools in the East Riding, 19 are oversubscribed – that is they have received more applications for places than the number of places available. A further 11 schools have filled all their available places.
2,922 parents or carers living in the East Riding of Yorkshire applied for a place in the reception year at either an infant or primary school, with 97.5% (2,850, up 0.4% on 2020) being allocated their first preference school and 99.5% (2,907, up 0.3% on 2020) being allocated a place at one of their three preferences.
A focus on increasing the number of East Riding residents applying online for a school place has resulted in the numbers of those applying online increasing by 7% from last year.
Only 15 children or 0.5 % of children could not be allocated a place at a school their parents or carers named as a preference. That is a reduction of 0.3% from 2020. All 15 children have been allocated a place by the local authority at their local catchment school.
34 East Riding children will attend primary and infant schools in other local authority areas, while 182 children resident in other local authority areas will be travelling to East Riding schools.
For the 385 East Riding parents who applied for their children to start Year 3 at one of the local authority’s six junior schools, all have been allocated places at the schools named as their first preference.
Deborah Myers, head of children and young people, education and schools at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “I am delighted, that despite the challenges faced as a result of a global pandemic, we have been able to announce the allocated school for all our children who are due to start school in September on National Offer Day.
“The allocation of school places is an important decision for families and so it is excellent news that this year we have seen an increase, to over 97%, in the number of parents and carers who have secured their first choice preference school for their children.
“Our schools work exceptionally hard to support our East Riding families and have demonstrated this during the current pandemic which has seen an unrivalled period of significant challenge. All our schools overwhelmingly offer parents and carers what they really want for their children - a good education at a local school.”