Domestic abuse strategy 2020-2023 update: Consultation Live

Domestic Abuse Image

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 places a duty on East Riding of Yorkshire Council to deliver support to victims of domestic abuse and their children in safe accommodation. It requires the council to publish a strategy outlining the authority’s plans to deliver support to victims and their children in safe accommodation.

The strategy is available to download below:

East Riding Domestic Abuse Strategy 2020-2023 - Update following the Domestic Abuse Act 2021

The East Riding Domestic Abuse Strategy 2020-2023 was published in June 2020 following an in-depth partnership Strategic Review of Domestic Abuse across all services and agencies responding to domestic abuse in the East Riding.

The East Riding Strategic Domestic Abuse Board, consisting of the Local Authority, Humberside Police, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, East Riding of Yorkshire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, and the National Probation Service; approved the Strategy and its plans, shared goals, and strategic objectives for preventing and responding to domestic abuse in the East Riding.

The Strategy originally went out for consultation between November 2019 and February 2020 which informed the development of the final Strategy.

This second consultation focuses on the update in Year 2 of this Strategy period, and the amendments made to reflect the new duties as a result of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.

This includes an additional chapter focusing on how the Local Authority will deliver support to victims and their children in safe accommodation.

The consultation is now live and will close on Friday 3 December at 4pm.

Have your say by hitting the button below to open the survey:

East Riding Domestic Abuse Strategy - Safe Accommodation Update Consultation

We will take all responses into consideration, and publish a “you said, we did”, ensuring information on the suggestions made and our reasons for changing or maintaining the document are provided.

Any questions or queries regarding the consultation or the strategy, please contact:

Councillor Kerri Harold, portfolio holder for public health and tackling inequalities at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: "I would encourage everybody to take a look at the updated East Riding Domestic Abuse Strategy 2020-23 following the update due to the introduction of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. These consultation processes are vitally important to ensure our residents can have their say on the issues which they care most about. The consultation will close on the 3 December 2021 so I would encourage people to follow the online link to give any feedback and/or suggestions." 

Just Beverley