Discover a new place to watch wildlife in Beverley

Blue Tit Jpg

Last year, local ornithologist Richard Baines carried out a wildlife survey at Beverley Parks Local Nature Reserve to find out how successfully birds nest on the nature reserve.

There will be chance to hear about the findings of the survey on Tuesday, 22 January, and learn about which species make the fields, hedgerows and orchard their home. Where are the best places for birds to thrive, while living alongside us?

Richard will be giving a talk at the Treasure House in Beverley from 6.30 to 8pm on that date.

A former countryside officer with the East Riding’s countryside team, Richard now concentrates on ecological surveying and leading wildlife tours.  A knowledgeable conservationist and a great story teller, this will be an enthralling talk suitable for everyone who loves wildlife.

Free tickets are available now at 

(click on ‘Venue’, then ‘Sports, Play & Countryside Events’).

Or ring 01482 395320 for further info.

Free car parking will be available to the rear of the Treasure House.

Just Beverley