As the Tour de France prepares to head for Yorkshire, the East Riding is gearing up for its own cycling celebrations to encourage more people to get on their bikes.
Events will take place across the region during the Cycle4Life Challenge, a week-long celebration of cycling as not only a sustainable form of transport but also a great way of keeping fit.
From next week (Monday 9 June) schools across the East Riding are holding activities inspired by the Tour de France. In return for a small donation to the local charity Cash4Kids, children can cycle, scoot or walk to school dressed in a yellow, green, polka dot or white jersey to celebrate the different classifications in Le Tour.
Councillor Jonathan Owen, chairman of the East Riding health and wellbeing board, said: “Cycling is one of the best ways for people to achieve good health and fitness. Apart from burning away body fat, cycling reduces the chances of heart disease and also helps to combat diabetes and high blood pressure.”
Councillor Chris Matthews, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s portfolio holder for infrastructure, highways and emergency planning, said: “The Cycle4Life Challenge is a week-long celebration of why cycling is great, not only as a sustainable form of transport but is also a great way of keeping fit and having a healthy lifestyle regardless of what age you are.
“The challenge aims to promote and spread this message right across the East Riding, challenging children and their families to get out on their bikes, to have fun and be active.
“With the Tour de France coming to Yorkshire this summer, there is no better time to challenge yourself and try cycling.”
Lucy Jordan, headteacher of St Mary’s CE Primary School in Beverley, one of the schools taking part in the Cycle4Life events, said the initiative supports the school’s ongoing work to encourage sustainable forms of travel.
“We encourage children to walk, cycle or scooter to school. Not only is this safer for all concerned, but it is also healthier. We can’t wait for this summer’s amazing cycling events.”