Additions to the current East Riding of Yorkshire Council Planning Strategy Document from 2016 due to be released at midnight on March 31st include recommendations that 75% of new build in Beverley and District will be earth-sheltered (underground) housing or single-story buildings. There are currently only approximately 100 earth-sheltered houses in the UK due to the misapprehension that underground houses are dark, damp and smelly. But in Russia there is more development below ground than above it and highly-populated countries such as China and Japan are researching new methods to ensure such houses meet their potential as environmentally-friendly homes.
Meeting government targets for energy consumption as well as reducing the impact of storm-damage due to the increasing number of storms hitting the region is the key impetus for a rethink on new housing. The soil-type, topography precipitation, ground water levels, load-bearing properties and slope-stability will determine whether the houses built are earth-sheltered or single story. There are several techniques for building earthsheltered houses but all include enhanced ventilation to ensure indoor air quality and humidity. Light shafts, wells and atriums ensure such dwellings are spacious and light-filled and often, the materials excavated in construction can be used to build them. These houses require fewer building materials so the build cost is lower making them affordable for most people. Earth insulation makes them highly energyefficient and by using ground source heat exchange systems and solar panels, energy costs are often zero. One of the other major attractions is that underground houses blend with the natural landscape, leave habitat for wildlife and maintain attractive views.
There has been concern expressed by residents that views of the Minster are becoming restricted due to excessive building. Adopting this new strategy will ensure views of the Minster, especially from the south are maintained.