Cllr Duncan Jack is the new Mayor of Beverley

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At  a public meeting held in the old Courtroom at the Guildhall, Register Square, Beverley, on May 20th, the Mayor, Mr. Bryan Pearson, welcomed the newly-assembled Town Council, honoured guests and visitors to the annual Mayor-making ceremony. He  spoke about his year in office, thanked his wife, out-going Lady Mayoress Mrs Shirley Pearson for her support, as well as thanking fellow Councillors with whom he served, the Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Administrator and Mace-bearer for their support. He presented a 'Good Neighbour' Award to Trudi Davidson, Journalist at the Hull and East Riding Daily Mail and previously of the Beverley Advertiser for her work in promoting Beverley  and Paul Palmer of East Riding of Yorkshire Council for going the extra mile in helping the Town Council and Beverley in Bloom. Youth Awards went to the Cherry Tree Centre Youth Club and the Church Lads and Church Girls Brigade. 

The Mayor then invited nominations for the office for the next year, 2019/2020 from the 14 Beverley Town Councilors who were elected on May 2nd. Cllr Jack was nominated, seconded and elected unanimously. Cllr Jack was duly robed and signed in. His first job was to nominate his wife, Joy, to be Lady Mayoress. He then thanked Mr Pearson for his 43 years exemplary service to Beverley; Bryan has served as a Councillor on Beverley Borough Council, Humberside County Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Beverley Town Council. He has chaired many different committees during this time, too. Bryan is Beverley born and bred and has worked tirelessly from a humble background to better himself and the town and people of Beverley. He still intends to be involved and support the good work of Beverley in Bloom and Brighter Beverley amongst other organisations. Bryan and Shirley were presented with medals to recognise their mayoral year. 

The Mayor asked for nominations for Deputy Mayor. Cllr Tom Astell and Cllr Clare Wildey were nominated and Cllr Tom Astell  elected. Tom was duly robed and signed in and announced his Consort for the year is his partner, Alex Moor. 

A small amount of council business was then completed. The new Mayor then invited Mr & Mrs Pearson, fellow Councillors, guests, family and friends to a reception in the Mayor's Parlour. 


Just Beverley