Musician and songwriter Gerry McNeice reviews some old favourite carols and brings them up-to-date!
*Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly - subject to relevant risk assessment
* Away in a Manger - please be aware that newborns could be affected by ticks and other parasites found in animal bedding
*We Three Kings - check relevat documentation/lineage. There are many self-proclaimed kings of pop, rock & roll and wishful thinking who have no rule over any kingdom or subjects.
*Jungle Bells - before riding on a one-horse open sleigh one should conside safety aspects such as fitted seatbelts, adequate prtection against inclement weather and a back-up audible device should the sleigh bells not be of sufficient volume to alert other road users of the sleigh's presence.
*We wish you a Merry Christmas - figgy pudding may contain nuts.
*Do you hear what I hear? - could be offensive to anyone suffering from audio-impairment conditions
*God rest ye Merry Gentlement - care should be taken when imbibing over the Christmas season as men are advised to restrict their alcohol intack to no more than 14 units per week.
*In the bleak Mid-winter - dress apprpriately if venturing outside as mid-winter in the Northern hemisphere is seldom anything other than bleak; remember to call regularly on elderly and vulnerable neighbours.