Lit Up Festival presents Chris Ryan on Friday 13 October. He will be at Parkway Cinema in Beverley at 7.30pm.
In today's increasingly hostile climate people are anxious about how to keep themselves safe.
In 2016, SAS hero Chris Ryan's family was targeted by a terrorist cell. He didn't know who they were, or where they might strike. All he knew was that he wanted to keep his family safe.
And since that's all any of us want, he decided to write a book.
Join Chris Ryan on Friday 13 October at Parkway Cinema where he talks about his book, SAFE.
Chris Ryan has compiled all the personal security expertise he acquired during his time serving with the Regiment. He reveals the skills that kept him safe working undercover in Northern Ireland, on the dangerous streets of central Africa and in the war zones of the Middle East. He explains how civilians can employ these techniques to keep themselves safe on the streets and in their vehicles. Safe in a fight or in the midst of a terror incident. Safe on aircraft or in hostage situations. Safe from cyber attacks, riots, sexual predators and more.
He analyses real-life incidents, such as the Manchester Arena bombing, the London Bridge terror attack and the Tunisian beach shootings, and explains how ordinary people should act if they find themselves in similar scenarios. And he reveals fascinating stories, never before told, about life in the Regiment and the dangers faced by SAS soldiers.
Tickets cost £8 and £7 and are available now online via; by phone on 01482 392699 (during office hours); or in person at Beverley Library.