Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Beverley's Conservation Area

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This year sees the 50th anniversary of Beverley’s designation as a Conservation Area. To celebrate this anniversary, a new exhibition, “Conservation 50”, opens at the Beverley Guildhall on Wednesday, 18 July and runs until 16 November, 2018.

Fiona Jenkinson, curator of the Guildhall, said: “We felt this anniversary was an excellent opportunity to look again at what makes Beverley so attractive and to consider how the landscape and historical importance are preserved.”

Kloskk Tyrer, who helped with the exhibition, added: “It is thanks to the past 50 years of the Conservation Area that the town has retained so much of its heritage and kept Beverley as the pleasant town we see today.”

Fiona continued, “We have tried to make the exhibition highly visual but have also analysed the key characteristic features of each area of the town. We would like to encourage people to look at Beverley with new eyes, seeing, for example, what makes a good view, which buildings are older than others, how cars are more dominant in some places, what spoils the look of the town, and many other factors that are considered within the designation.”

“Conservation 50” opens on Wednesday, 18 July and runs until 16 November 2018. The Guildhall is located in Register Square next to the main post office. It is open from 10am to 4pm every Wednesday and Friday, until 1 November when the Wednesday openings reduce to 10am to 1pm. Admission is always free. An extra weekend viewing will be available on Saturday 8th September from 10am to 4pm as part of the Heritage Open Day.

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