A care costs calculator has been launched for East Riding residents to be able to find out what their contribution towards care services might be, either for themselves or for a loved one.
People receiving social care through the council may get financial support to help pay for care. However, people usually have to contribute to the cost, and this is determined through a financial assessment. The care costs calculator enables residents to understand what contribution they are likely to pay for different types of care – at home or in a residential home.
Two calculators are available: one looking at long-term residential care, and one looking at care at home or in the community, such as day services or independent supported living. The calculator asks a few questions about a person’s individual circumstances, including income amounts and benefits, savings and investments, and for care at home or in the community it will take into account rent, mortgage and council tax, and for residential care the calculator asks for property value if there is no-one else living at the property.
Councillor David Tucker, cabinet member for adults, health and care said: “We want people to understand what their care contributions will be, to help them make decisions that are right for them or a loved one. We know that when a person needs social care it can be an already stressful time and we hope the care costs calculator provides some information to residents to help them make fully informed decisions.”
Access the care costs calculator: eryc.link/payingForCare
www.yourlifeyourway.uk provides information about the range of support and care available and helps residents to connect in their communities.
The council can also support people to ensure they are claiming all the benefits they are entitled to, such as Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment and Carer’s Allowance: eryc.link/helpforhouseholds