Cabinet visits Worklink to see how adults with learning disabilities are supported into employment

Cabinet Visits Worklink To See How Adults With Learning Disabilities Are Supported Into Employment

East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Cabinet members have taken a tour of Worklink in Cottingham to see first-hand how adults with a learning disability or autism are supported with skills, and to enter work.

Worklink has two sites at Cottingham and Sewerby and supports around 160 adults at any one time.

The Worklink programme offers a variety of activities and training from gardening and horticulture, catering and hospitality, to woodwork and construction.

Cabinet members met with some of the people involved in the programme and took a tour of the gardens and activity workshops taking place – Christmas wreath making and Christmas woodwork, on sale to the public.

The Cottingham site also hosts a café which sees around 30 people visit each day. Produce is grown within the expansive gardens and allotments and the fresh fruit and vegetables are used within the café, which is open to anyone between 9.30am and 3pm, Monday to Friday.

Worklink works with local employers to create opportunities for supported internships, enabling adults with a learning disability or autism to gain employment, whilst continuing to be supported through the programme.

Councillor David Tucker, cabinet member for adults, health and care said: “It’s really important that as cabinet members we understand what is happening on the ground and how we support our residents. Visiting today gave Cabinet a chance to see the great work taking place at Worklink, meet the people it impacts upon, and ask questions as to how the service could be developed in the future.”

Find out more about Worklink: call 01482 842009 or email:

Just Beverley