Beverley Photographic Club wins the Brigg Trophy

Brigg Cup

Beverley Photographic Club has won the Brigg Trophy for photographic prints - A reference to Filey Brigg. The competition is held by the Yorkshire Coastal Photographic Group and was hosted by the Driffield Photographic Society at the Bell Hotel, Driffield on Monday 11 October. Congratulations to the photographers whose images where entered.

Novembers Program

Tuesday 2nd November at 7.30pm. Meet at the Rose and Crown, Nth Bar Without for a Photoshop demonstration and workshop.

Friday 5 November Cancelled (Beverley Firework Display on the Westwood)

Tuesday 9 November. 7.00pm Travel to Hornsea Golf club for the Bell Trophy competition to support our members who’s images are entered.

Tuesday 16 November at 7.30pm. Meet at the Rose and Crown Nth Bar Without for an in–house Autumn Colours competition of DPI’s. Guest Judge.

Tuesday 23 November visit to Hull museums has been cancelled because of the current restrictions. Replacement activity will be emailed to members.

Tuesday 30 November at 7.30pm. Meet at the Rose and Crown for the members presentation of Street Photography.

Tuesday 7 December at 6.00pm. Meet at the Market Cross for a Beverley lights/winter nights photo shoot.

You can meet the club members for interesting presentations, talks, workshops and photo walks in the pleasant surroundings at the Rose and Crown or on location. They are a very sociable group so go along and see if it is for you, no commitment necessary.

Not everyone is to the standard of the competition winning photographers, but they will help you improve or if you are to a professional standard they would value your input. You don’t have to have expensive equipment to join in or take part; some members have entered images taken on a smart phone.

Just Beverley