Beverley Minster Christmas Tree Festival opens Friday 1st December

Beverley Minster Christmas Tree Festival Opens Friday 1st December

It’s back. And it’s bigger than ever. Beverley Minster’s annual Christmas Tree Festival is packing over 120 beautifully decorated trees into their stunning Minster. The festival starts Friday 1st December.

Each tree is sponsored by a different local charity, organisation, school or business. And as they are free to decorate their own tree as they wish - it means every fir looks unique once it's been dressed and lit with beautiful fairy lights.

“This year has seen a growing demand for Christmas Tree sponsorship” says Bob Farley who leads the festival team at the Minster.

“It just goes to show what a huge community event this is with charities, large and small joining in alongside local businesses, schools, residential homes for the elderly, and many other East Yorkshire groups. This festival is by the community for the community, while also helping us to raise much-needed funds for the Minster”.

Last year trees sported a diverse range of decorations to showcase the focus of each sponsor including crocheted bras, sunflowers, cans of beer, Christmas puddings, decorations made from hedgerow-foraged rubbish, and ‘young and old’ images of the occupants of a local care home.

Visitors are welcome to the Festival between 1st and 10th December, every person has the opportunity to vote for their favourite tree. "Do not forget to vote"

New this December will be the chance for visitors to join special sessions to decorate their own Christmas wreaths amongst the festival trees. Led by experts from the Beverley Flower Club, sessions will run on Weds 6th, Thurs 7th and Fri 8th - the same days as the Made in East Yorkshire Markets.

This means more festive activities to enjoy across the town. Places are limited so booking ahead will be essential. Each participant will be allowed into the Christmas Tree Festival for free and will enjoy a warming mug of hot chocolate too as part of their wreath-making experience.

Also, new this year will be extended opening hours on Thursday 7th December when the Festival will close at 6pm instead of 4pm to allow local visitors to pop in after work to see the trees.

Similar to last year there will be a Quiet Session on the morning of Monday 4th December between 9am and 10am for neurodiverse visitors who may struggle with the crowds and noise at other times of the festival. The organisers have also added a second Quiet Session on the same day between 4pm and 5pm

Finally, set amongst the trees during the evenings will be a number of carol concerts. The annual MacMillan Carol Concert takes place on Tuesday 5th December at 7pm and Carols by Candlelight, led by the Minster choir, take place on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th of December.

On the evening of Sunday, the 10th Britten's Ceremony of Carols is performed.

Entry to the Christmas Tree Festival remains £5 (in line with last year) with accompanied children under 18 allowed in for free. Visitors can pay by card or cash on the door.

All details of opening and closing times can be found on the Minster website: 

Just Beverley